The rise of self-publishing, particularly using Print on Demand (POD) services, has democratized the process, giving authors more control and flexibility than ever before. Are you an aspiring author dreaming of seeing your words bound in print? Dive into our comprehensive guide on how to self-publish your book with Print on Demand. Let’s demystify the process and get your book out to your eagerly awaiting readers!
There are many reasons why you might want to self-publish your book. There are so many benefits to self-publishing that go beyond just the personal satisfaction of seeing your work in Print on Demand, or the pure excitement of holding your first copy in your hands.
Some people think that self-publishing is just for those who can’t get published traditionally. This is simply not true! There are plenty of indie authors who have gone the traditional route and had success, and then decided to try their hand at self-publishing – and found it a better fit for them.
Self-publishing offers more control over your art – if you’re a writer or an artist, this means you can retain copyrights on all original content, publish as often as you like, and much more.
Table of Contents
Self Publishing a Book with Print on Demand
Print on Demand is a publishing model that allows books to be printed individually or in small quantities, as and when orders come in. It’s a cost-effective method for authors, as it eliminates the risk and cost of printing large quantities upfront.
Publishing a book is the biggest dream for many people. Self-publishing is not as difficult as we think, and can easily become published authors. This article will show you the benefits of self-publishing and how to go about it.
This section provides an introduction to what self-publishing is, the benefits, and how to start this process.
What is Print on Demand, and How Does it Work?

Print on Demand or POD is the production of one copy of a publication at a time. It has gained popularity recently because it can produce high-quality publications with no minimum order quantity.
Print on Demand has always been an important part of the industry but it has really come into its own recently. Print on demand is an effective way for businesses to save money while also having access to higher quality print products.
Print on Demand is a digital printing process that enables you to order one book at a time. In the POD process, the book’s file is transmitted from a computer to a computer-driven printer, which can print one copy of the book for each order placed.
List of Self Publishing Print on-Demand Companies
More and more writers are turning to this option because they are tired of being rejected by traditional publishers. New publishing companies have popped up to help these writers get their workout there.
There are a number of printing companies that cater specifically to self-publishing authors, offering low-cost print on-demand services. These companies often offer distribution channels, too, so that your book can reach readers around the world.
- Amazon Kdp: Totally Free platform with the abilities to publish your book beyond Amazon using KDP extended publishing service for print book only.
- IngramSpark: One time fee for publishing each book title. Must popular publishing platform for self-publishing authors who want to publish books around the world.
- Lulu: No cost on publishing a book, but printing and shipping costs are higher on Lulu. So, you will make less on royalties. Book distribution is same as IngramSpark.
- Draft2Digital: They are new to print on-demand book publishing. Draft2Digital is popular for ebook publishing. No cost at the time of publishing but 10% fees from your book sales royalties.
- Blurb: Good choice if you want to publish premium qualities print book like photobook, children’s book etc.
- Bookbaby: They provide print on-demand book publishing and lots of publishing services. They charge $399 for book publishing and distribution.
How to Self Publish a Book with Print-on-Demand Companies IngramSpark and Amazon KDP
There are many ways to self-publish a book, but self-publishing on Amazon KDP or IngramSpark is the go-to choice for most authors. There are many benefits of self-publishing Print on Demand: you can focus on the content, it’s cost-effective, you can choose your own cover design, you can publish as often as you like, and it is easy to set up. All this is possible thanks to Print-on-demand (POD) companies such as IngramSpark or Amazon KDP.
Why would you publish your book with IngramSpark? The answer is simple: there’s more of a chance that they’ll have your book on the shelves of a local bookstore. This is because they have a relationship with stores, meaning they can offer your book at a lower price and provide more customer service. On the other hand, Amazon KDP has a higher percentage of royalties for authors, and you can participate in the Amazon advertising program (Amazon ads). Also, Amazon KDP is free, but IngramSpark charges you $49 for publishing your paperback and ebook, and $25 for each time you want to revise (or update content or listing) your book.
If you want one and one support with your self-publishing and marketing your book then checkout Bookllo Publishing.
The path to self-publishing with print-on-demand offers a multitude of advantages, including control over the creative process, higher royalty rates, and the chance to reach readers around the world. By following this guide, you are well-equipped to navigate the world of POD self-publishing and get your book into the hands of readers eager for fresh voices and captivating stories.
Self-publishing your book is a great way to get your work out and make money. Print on Demand is the cheapest and most efficient way to self-publish. It has helped both new and established writers find success in their craft. I hope this article answered your questions. Feel free to comment below if you need any clarification.